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Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Secure Internet Access

Safeguard user internet access behavior


SIA Solution Overview

With the advent of SaaS consumption, we have seen more users become easily distracted and unproductive in the way people are working. The challenge facing many organizations is trying to adopt comprehensive internet gateway solutions that ensure users are always productive and adhere to the organization’s Internet compliance policy.

Sangfor Secure Internet Access Solution (SIA)

Secure Internet Access (SIA) is a comprehensive security solution delivered from Sangfor IAG to empower any organization to easily safeguard user internet access behavior without compromising performance and inefficiency. In a simple analogy, user traffic will need to decrypt and comply with user identity with all necessary security policies and protections applied and they are good to go for Internet access as usual.

Turning invisible into visible

You can’t protect what you can’t see. Encrypted traffic creates huge security blind spots and renders your security defenses useless. You need to gain visibility and find bad behavior in hidden traffic such as malicious user behavior and malware.

SSL Decryption with IAG gateway and ingress client

  • Performance improvement with ingress client for client SSL decryption capability.
  • Run independently or both decryption methods based on your environment.

Making security user-aware

An IP address is not an entity. You need to provide a unique user identity to know who is using what applications and when it is used on your network. Once user identity has been verified, you can assign users only to have the access they need while allowing you to keep abreast with the user behavior trends.

Support most commonly used authentication types and user behavior trending analysis.

  • A large set of user authentication methods including active directory, LDAP, OA, social media, OAuth, SAML2.0, unified authentication with multiple branches, etc.
  • Internet activities and traffic statistics.
  • Auto authentication and correlated login with an account.

Secure your workspace

You need to give the right access to the right person. We are giving you the power to maximize security and maintain compliance with your users to reduce the risk of them being abused. This will greatly increase user productivity by ensuring Internet compliance.

Control user internet access activities without compromising productivity and security.

  • Secure onboarding devices with endpoint compliance check.
  • Personalized internet access policy and application control with proxy avoidance protection.
  • ICAP integration with existing third-party security solutions including DLP, anti-malware, sandboxing, and other ICAP servers.

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